Q: Can you ship outside the United States?
A: Yes! Please contact us for details on international shipments.
Q: Are customs charges included in the cost of my order?
A: No, customs charges are not included in the cost of your order. These charges are separate and are typically imposed by your country’s customs authority when importing goods from another country.
Q: Do you accept purchase orders?
A: We do accept purchase orders. Please contact us with details regarding your order and we will get all the proper documents prepared.
Q: Can you make a CAGE for a product not shown in your store?
A: Absolutely! We have done many custom CAGEs for DVD players, AV Receivers and even computers. Provide us with the make and model of your device, photos, dimensions and the locations of vents, buttons and plugs.
Q: We don’t want someone to be able to remove the disc out of the console, can you do that?
A: Sure! When ordering your desired CAGE, make sure to choose “Closed” from the Game Slot Opening drop down.
Q: What hardware do I need to install the CAGE?
A: We include 4 #6 wood screws to affix the CAGE to any secure location. If you are going to be installing the CAGE in a unusual location, please let us know so we can make sure the CAGE will perform properly.
Q: What is your return & refund policy?
A: All purchases are final. If a defect is found and is determined to be from the manufacturing process in accordance with the Warranty Statement, we will be happy to send you a replacement.
Q: How long does it take to ship?
A: If we have everything in stock we can ship in 2-3 business days after receiving payment.
Don’t see your question? Please feel free to contact us.